and A good news!
JED Team approved the webmastertool pluginf or joomla. So, now it’s your turn to help me, writting review(good or bad), voting in JED.
What is webmaster tool?
Webmastertool is a simple joomla plugin. It will allow you to put verification meta tag for diff search engines like google, yahoo, bing and alexa which needs to upload a file or edit template manually. But using this plugin will save your time or help you to avoid using ftp to edit template files. Some months ago I developed same type plugin for wordpress webmaster key.
I think it will be handy for webmaster. Quick links for Google,Yahoo and Bing,Alexa webmaster tool
How to collect meta tags
I know max ppl are smart enough and can do it easily but some ppl are not mcuh technical and don no how to upload file or add meta tag in theme file and where. so, to get google meta tag key go to Google Webmaster, login using your google id and your site. See image bellow and check you will see something like this. Copy meta value (red underline in screenshot)
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