Yah, I know my developed tinybn (an ekushey project , tinymce plugin to write bangla in tinymce editor) has so many bugs and even I will recommend not to use in any live :P. But we are crazy to write bangla in web in any condition… heh heh.. hmm I didn’t get time to update the scripts. Though updated them to make compatible for tinymce3.x. Yes, I am so lazy …I didn’t udpate the lastest version in ekushey đ
Even I made a plugin for wordpress to use this plugin in wordpress editor in Visual mode (that means tinymce is enabled :D).hmm I didn’t release this too. Let me release this for every body. Please keep this mind that it has bugs, yes it has so many bugs but I will be happy if ppl use this and give me feedback so that I can update this when I am free.
Let me show how the tinybn plugin in wordpress will show [ Screenshot taken from my blog,wp2.8.2]

How to use:
1. Download the zip given here for download and then unzip.
2. Copy the folder wp_tinybn_fixed to your wodpress plugin dir.
3.Activate the plugin
4. Try to write any new post/page in visual mode
Licence: GPL2
[download id=”8″]
Any kind of negative and positive comment/feedback is welcome đ
version 2.1 released
1. Fixed bug for js if the language mode is in bangla :P. That was my mistake to migrate the plugin from tinymce2.x compatible to 3.x. I forgot to change the language file setting for bangla language and I didn’t use this plugin while bangla is active in backend :(. Oh I have to fix same thing for jce version of tinybn.
2. Special thank to Hasan