Most of the wordpress image gallery plugins can not make me happy. NExtgen is too much heavy, then I got another wordpress plugin “WP Photo Album Plus” developed by J.N. Breetvelt, a.k.a. (OpaJaap). R.J. Kaplan developed WP Photo Album 1.5.1 and then J.N. Breetvelt extended it with new features. Really I like this simple but powerfull gallery plugin. But something I didn’t like which I am trying to modify and releasing for every body so that I can get more ideas from other and even this modification can be done to main plugin too. Though my modification is not done yet! But why not I share my last modification and explain what I have done upto now đ

Gallerific image gallery with wp photo albumm plus plus
Change in Backend:
- Added pagination in backend for album listing
- Added pagination in backend for file/image listing, sites having large amount of images in each gallery should like this feature.
- Image will not list while edit any album. Better way to edit or view images for any album in backend.
- Changed backend design a little for easy navigation to other options. More will be done.
- Now thumb can be made squre so that it does’t look ugly and diff sizes
- Added midium size thumb so that you can place image size that you want as big size but original one is always kept so that you can regenerate all thumbs again.
Change in Front end:
- Replaced the old slideshow with new slideshow using jquery based image slideshow plugin Galleriffic. You may need to edit style if currrent setting doesn’t match your style. You can select black or white combination. Need to do more work though. Current gallerific style is used.
Todo list:
- So many things so don’t wana write so long list đ
- One thing must to do for replaceing the normal regex based shortcode with wordpress default shortcode method to add gallery in a page.
[download id=”24″]
I am attaching the current modified version so that you can test and give me some feedback. If any one need any jquery based custom slideshow with it let me know(to hire professionaly :))
Can you restrict the photos album or photos to view in this gallery or can you create one for me. I need a separate login/register system photogallery for wordpress if anyone can help or you Mr. “Manchumahara”
I will pay for this service.
@Kushal please email me about your requirement . We work for $20-$30 per hour.
put this text on the page where you want to show the album
I have the same problem as Dzedzik. I have the albums made, but I have no idea how to add it to the page.
tell me please how to display this gallery on the page. I have created an album but I can't connect it to the page