Adding vertical fixed feedback button

update: 06.09.2010
Wana use as wordpress or joomla plugin ? then buy from my official website


For Joomla
For WordPress

The Story

If you still didn’t notice, please check again there is a vertical feedback button in my blog , right side. So, sometimes people asks me how to do that ,,, any one can read the source code or having debug tool like firebug for firefox can see the source code and add in his own site. But max time, it’s true that we don’t want to learn by reading or google about any problem, we just ask other to get ready made solution. Even we don’t write in forums about our problems …. grr…

So here is answer of the those question, “How I added the vertical feedback button?”

I know how html works and how css works , I know where to edit in wordpress theme. So many days ago I saw that in a site and copied the source code and image and added in my site 😛
I am showing for default wordpress theme tweentyten and all paths shown bellow are windows style as windows is my primary os.

Step1: Copy this image to your wp-contentthemestwentytenimages folder first.

Step2: Open style.css file from wp-contentthemestwentyten dir and ready to add some css code 🙂
Step3: In the file style.css file at last line add the following css codes
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Adding My posts sub menu for posts section in wordpress

Let me explain the situation. Suppose you have contributor access to wordpress. If you go to posts page in admin panel that list all posts   and here you are not author of all posts.  you will see the url like
[code language=”php”]edit.php?post_type=post&all_posts=1[/code] and All( total post number here). There will be another menu named Mine(Current user post number). All link is default. So we can make nother submenu of posts in admin section for Mine link directly. Let me show you the few lines code.
[code language=”php”]add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘manchu_myposts’);
function manchu_myposts()
if (function_exists(‘add_submenu_page’))
//$parent, $page_title, $menu_title, $access_level, $file, $function = ”
add_submenu_page(‘edit.php’,’My Posts’,’My posts’, 1, ‘edit.php?post_type=post&author=’.get_current_user_id());
You can copy-paste above code in your theme functions.php file and it will show a new sub menu in posts ectin as My posts. Multi user blog users can get easily link for his/her posts.
it’s just a easy way to make personal posts link for any user have access at leas contributor. Access level 1 belongs to contributor..

Update: 15-09-2011

While working on a project I got a tips from stackoverflow wordpress site about showing only specific author’s posts in author mode.
[code language=”php”]
function cb_posts_for_current_author($query) {
global $pagenow;

if( ‘edit.php’ != $pagenow || !$query->is_admin )
return $query;

if( !current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) ) {
global $user_ID;
$query->set(‘author’, $user_ID );
return $query;
add_filter(‘pre_get_posts’, ‘cb_posts_for_current_author’);

thank you

Facebook fanbox wordpress plugin

It’s just a simple fanbox widget as wordpress plugin, nothing to explain. But I made my own version ?


  • iframe method
  • auto detect ie(internet explorer), because sometimes it’s make problem for ie and option to use as iframe only for ie !
  • jquery based document ready facebook load ! Not clear ? see bellow

One thing to note that I used a way to load the facebook js script after loading jquery as normally in wordpress site front end we use jquery and many plugin uses this… so we can take that jquery is using default. So I loaded the fb js using wp_enqueue function and then called the fb init function after the document is loaded using jquery dom ready function 😛 … It’s just an experiment about slow loading of facebook fanbox widget in wordpress 😀


[download id=”23″]

If you just download with no comment and no recommendation to others, then I am planning to hate you 😛
Man at least share in social network and give me traffic so that I can have more money from ads 🙁

Good morning. It’s just morning after working whole night and I am feeling too hungry 🙂
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Download Category widget for WP-DownloadManager plugin

I am using WP-DownloadManager plugin to manage downloads in my blog. It’s a very usefull plugin by Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan. I think , He made the most important plugins for wp :D. He already wrote 17 wordpress plugins ! I am a big fan of Lester Chan aka ‘GaMerZ’ Chan and sometimes I try to get help from his plugin .. I mean how to wrote such nice and clean plugins…

Ok, I just checked that WP-DownloadManager plugin can list category but with files in each. But I wanted something like a download category widgets and a list of download category (just list of download category). So I just wrote a plugin for WP-DownloadManager plugin :D. It will allow you to put a widget in sidebar showing all the Download Category as list with files and hits count as soon as you can use short code in post and pages. And this will make a download category list like bellow 😀
[page_download_cat] Continue reading

Tab/Sliders for wordpress posts/pages

Helo guys I am ready to show you a tab/slides plugin for wordpress. Let me tell u a tale. Once I did a site in joomla1.x for a client and that used the tab slides in content, a jooomla mambot of Somedays ago I made the same site in using wordpress and wordpress is better than joomla for blogging. So I needed to reuse the tabslide plugin for wordpress and I just converted that joomla mambot/plugin to wordpress plugin. I am releasing in same GPL licence and free. I think this will help some ppl to enable tab/slide in wordpress posts/pages.

Check live demo in or u can give a try in your localhost 😛
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Fix wp plugin “Post and Page Excerpt Widgets” not to break conditional tag

Post and Page Excerpt Widgets is a nice plugin to show post/page excerpt as as widget in sidebar position. You can download it from wp code from here. One I thing I noticed about this plugin is it has a common bug that I faced many times while using query_posts. When I use this query_posts it’s break some conditional loop like is_home(), is_category() etc but there is another function get_posts in wordpress that does the same thing but don’t have similar problem. Once I discussed about this problem in one of my old posts. Please check that posts for better sense from here is_home-is_single-is_category-is-not-working-in-wp!.

Let me focus to this writing again 😀
As Post and Page Excerpt Widgets is using the query_posts function for custom query it make’s problem for conditional tags. Let me show u solution and it’s like my that posts.
In you theme functions.php add a new function if not exists yet

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Send ajax request in wordpress using wpnonce

wpsecuritythumblet’s send ajax request in wordpress using wpnonce

Hei, I am not going to discuss what is wpnonce and why you should use this in your plugin or how important to use this to secure your plugin 😛
But here I am going to discuss how you can use wpnonce in ajax request, I mean if your plugin handles ajax request.
Steps that we need to follow are:

One: Create wpnonce value.
Two: Send wpnonce value as an extra parameter with ajax requestion
Three: Check ajax referrer with the wpnonce value that was created in step one and sent in step two.

Ok, how to create a wpnonce value ?
we need to use wordpress function wp_create_nonce() . See wordpress codex here.
< ?php $my_wpnonce= wp_create_nonce (‘you-look-nice’); ?> // “you-look-nice” is just a string, u can use whatever u want. here $my_wpnonce will get a hash from wp_create_nonce. Oh that is not direct hash of “you-look-nice” but based on user id, time and that string. To know more about this function please check pluggable.php in wp-includes folder

Now send wpnonce value $my_wpnonce as an extra parameter while seding ajax req. Continue reading

ওয়ার্ড প্রেস টিপ্স-৩

যারা এই সিরিজের আগের দুইটা পোস্ট পড়েননি তাদের জন্যঃ
ওয়ার্ড প্রেস টিপ্স-১(আমার ব্যক্তিগত ব্লগে)
ওয়ার্ড প্রেস টিপ্স-২(আমার ব্যক্তিগত ব্লগে)

ওকে তাহলে আজকের টিপ্স শুরু করা যাক। এর আগে লিখেছিলাম কিভাবে ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস কাস্টম পেজ তৈরি করা যায় যা ছিলো কাস্টম টেমপ্লেট ব্যবহার করে। কিন্তু একত্রে যা হয় পাতাটা ওয়ার্ড প্রেসের ডাটাবেজ থেকে আসে, মানে পাতার কন্টেন্ট। কিন্তু যদি এমন চাই যে একটা স্ট্যাটিক পাতা হবে কিন্তু ওয়ার্ড প্রেসের ভেতরে থেকে এবং ঐ পাতায় ওয়ার্ড প্রেসের যাবতীয় টেমপ্লেট ট্যাগ ব্যবহার করা যাবে। ধরুন আপনি ওয়ার্ড প্রেস ইনস্টলেশনের রুট ডিরেক্টরীতে একটা ফোল্ডার বানালেন যার নাম myfolder. তাহলে এই ডিরেক্টরীর লিঙ্ক হবে দেখুন এটা কিন্তু ওয়ার্ড প্রেসের ফোল্ডার নয়।
এখন এই ফোল্ডারে একটা php ফাইলে তৈরি করুন। ধরুন myfile.php।
ফাইলের শুরুতেই লিখুন এই রকমঃ

[code language=”php”]< ?php
define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false);
require( dirname(__FILE__) .’/../wp-blog-header.php’);

যদি myfile.php একদম রুটে রাখেন তাহলে

[code language=”php”]< ?php
define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false);
require( dirname(__FILE__) .’/wp-blog-header.php’);

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