PHPBB3 Forum-1

For the last 5/6 months I am working with PHPBB3 forum engine. I think most of you are  knwon about  forum or bulletin board. PHPBB is a  free and well known bulletin board. It’s so easy to install it and lot’s of control. As I am getting expert in phpbb so I have decided to make an easy tutorial for phpbb and certainly about it’s later version that is phpbb3. As I like to working with bangla computing so there the tutorial will be both in english and bengali language. I think people who knows bangla may get better support from this tutirial.

Me and one of my friend have done the bengali translation of phpbb3 that is currently used in the forum name By for this time. I am coming soon with details about phpbb3.

Google on screen keyboard for bengali language

Some days ago I came to know about the google’s on screen keyboard for writing bangla. Many of us use google as home page. Google provide two types of home page one is ‘classic home page ‘ that we maximum people use  and second one is iGoogle home page. igoogle is personalized home page. It’s like pageflakes home that means many small application like email reader, google reader, dictionary, search etc can be add and remove any time to this page… Goolge has a this type of api for it’s igoogle page for writing bangla(বাংলা-bn) and it’s name is on screen bangla keyboard.

Any one can add this to his/her google home page.To add it just click here.

Have fun with this google api if you like to like to write bangla in webpage.
note: this api just works in google home page and no where…

Probhat web based layout

Today I am releasing the web based  script  of  probhat(প্রভাত) keyboard। Probhat is a bengali unicode based keyboard layout designed by Ankur inspired from Rupali layout. This java script can be used in any blog,forum easily to write bangla in unicode without any external software. It’s under LGPL license and any one can use it following LGPL’s rules. I have released it on behalf of amaderprojukti forum(আমাদের প্রযুক্তি ফোরাম).To download the file please visit amaderprojukti forum .

To test the script see these two inks:link1,link2.

