This post is moved here with a new version of mod. Please check this post for updated mod.
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- phpbb33 rss2 feed
- rss mod for phpbb3
- rss2 feed in phpbb
This post is moved here with a new version of mod. Please check this post for updated mod.
Does this work in IE ?
Thanks for your comment. But past hosted file was working here i.e., I can still download it.
BTW I have uploaded it to in more two server and download links are given.
just check it
I'm sure this mod is cool and would love to get it, unfortunately badongo sucks and wont let me download. hey ho
To all . Mod updated and in modx version. check the main post
Great! Works as advertised.
I have my forum in
I put rss2.php in this folder but get this error
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '/' in /home/gavpedz/public_html/supportforum/rss2.php on line 9
Please check this link for fix if validation error. I posted it to phpbb forum.
So did anyone figure out why we're getting the "not valid feed" error?
to clarify my problem just go to this link and u will notice what ia m getting;
not working for me, i am using phpbb3.
i also tried to burn it with feedburner it is giving this error:
The URL you entered does not appear to be a valid feed. We encountered the following problem: Error on line 3: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.
Thank you. Actually it's not possible to upload the php file in wordpress that's why I uploaded the doc file but add some comments in it in worng place.
I am sorry for that but my mod is ok if some one exclude the /**/ block. I am updating the file now.
Thank you. I was also confused why this is not working as it;s working fine in my forum. D
The problem with the download file is the initial /* */ comment block is outside the <?php declaration.
I am using my rss2.php file in phpbbrc4 and then I convert my forum to phpbb3 gold and it's still working. The main concept of rss2.php file is collect posts and give output as xml format. u can check my one which is working fine
Andertoons link is showing error of session related and Volca's one is totally messed up.
Ok I have some tips which may work for you that I have done internally in my forum.
Pls edit two files.
go to include folder and find the file named functions.php and go to line numbber or close to line number 3330 or find this line
'L_ONLINE_EXPLAIN' => $l_online_time,
now add a new line after the above line
'U_RSS2' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}rss2.$phpEx"),
and save/upload it again to your forum include folder
Now check.
Another tips is if u want to use this link any where in your template files like overall_footer.html located in styles/prosilver/template
Please don't forget to give me feedback. If it doesn't work then I have to think again why this is not working :(.
Me too Andertoons.
I'm using phpbb3.0.0 Gold
One point is that the rss2.php file is working that's why u r getting output without the first 4/5 lines as warning or error. I am using this in my forum for phpbbrc4 to phpbb3 gold. Which version of phpbb3 are you using ? plz let me know. i may help you to solve this. I hvave given many times to make it perfect so that it can also help others.
OK, I must be missing something really simple, but when I navigate to this page ( I don't get the little RSS feed thingy in my browser so I can subscribe to the feed.
What did I miss?
Thanks, BTW, this looks great!
Brilliant job!
you are welcome brian..
Thanks, this is awesome!