in WordPress, Wordpress Plugin

Download Category widget for WP-DownloadManager plugin

I am using WP-DownloadManager plugin to manage downloads in my blog. It’s a very usefull plugin by Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan. I think , He made the most important plugins for wp :D. He already wrote 17 wordpress plugins ! I am a big fan of Lester Chan aka ‘GaMerZ’ Chan and sometimes I try to get help from his plugin .. I mean how to wrote such nice and clean plugins…

Ok, I just checked that WP-DownloadManager plugin can list category but with files in each. But I wanted something like a download category widgets and a list of download category (just list of download category). So I just wrote a plugin for WP-DownloadManager plugin :D. It will allow you to put a widget in sidebar showing all the Download Category as list with files and hits count as soon as you can use short code in post and pages. And this will make a download category list like bellow 😀


[download id=”19″]


  • Make sure that you installed the wp-downloadmanager plugin first !
  • Now, Install the plugin like any other plugin.

Shortcode/widget usage

You can use as short code as well as widget. After installing visit your widget area from admin panel and use “Download Categories” widget to place in sidebar. To use shortcode in post or pages, write in your post/pages editor in html mode
page_download_cat and wrap this word in [] , you are done.

I just made a quick wrap of my needs and sharing with you. If you find any problem using this let me know. BTW, I am using this plugin in my download page where you will get my other wordpress, joomla and phpbb plugins.
Thank you.


  1. i have used as widget in sidebar, but when i click a file , it's not direct download like in your web , but forward to page that i create with post [page_download], when i used code page_download_cat it will be static no respon for download..can u help me??

    • <blockquote cite="comment-9830">

      agung: i have used as widget in sidebar, but when i click a file , it’s not direct download like in your web , but forward to page that i create with post [page_download], when i used code page_download_cat it will be static no respon for download..can u help me??

      Can you give me your site link where I can check the problem. May be you need to change permalink for file from your download manager plugin option. Can you pls check the download manager plugin option page from admin panel and change the file permalink style and then check my plugin again ?

  2. OK, OK i only had to add an dmg image to the proper dir.

    Thank you for my quick reply 😉

  3. One other question : i have a dmg file i want to set up for download but if i use [download id="2"] then it gives me also a strange icon.

    I don't need the icons so how can i get rid of them? Or else how can i change them?

    • <blockquote cite="comment-9823">

      Robert: One other question : i have a dmg file i want to set up for download but if i use [download id="2"] then it gives me also a strange icon.

      I don’t need the icons so how can i get rid of them? Or else how can i change them?

      Normally we share or put file for download are common file zip, rar, image etc. So download manager plugins try to put icons for that file. Seems downloadmanager plugin has no icon for dmg file and it's put a common icon for that. You can do one thing is remove icon for all file types and for this u need to go your admin area and left menu "Downloads"-> "Download Templates"

      Now you will see some html code used for diff purposes. now on that page search for matchin "FILE_ICON" if you get any where in the template box you need to edit/remove a line

      <code><img src="; alt="" title="" style="vertical-align: middle;" />  </code>

      check there , you need the remove such lines. For your site you will get your sitename inplace of

      You will get such things in "Download Embedded File" and "Download Listings". give a try and let me know dear.

  4. Thought i could use it with out the reading (sigh). 😉


  5. He must be working at rsplugins. :))

    Can you help me with creating a downloadpage?

  6. Thank's for the article.

    But, from what I have read on Lester Chan's forum,

    he will no longer offer support for his plugins from the beginning of 2010.

    A good alternative to the WP-Download Manager plugin that you mention is a rather new plugin, RSFiles! … is doing a great job on handling files for WordPress …especially for users that rely on support.

    • <blockquote cite="comment-9062">

      Mihaela: Thank’s for the article.
      But, from what I have read on Lester Chan’s forum,
      he will no longer offer support for his plugins from the beginning of 2010.A good alternative to the WP-Download Manager plugin that you mention is a rather new plugin, RSFiles! … is doing a great job on handling files for WordPress …especially for users that rely on support.

      Hei Mihaela, thank you for the info. But there is no free version of RSFiles and Lester Chan gave all his execellent plugins and support for free of cost. Hope somebody will take his resposibility , even I can give a hand with his plugins.

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